My free opinion. Just because I can. NEW PHOTO GALLERY at The old one will gradually disappear. Click on the pix to make them bigger.
30 December 2010
Rose died for awhile.
27 December 2010
Smell That ??
12 December 2010
On Monday mornings a truck from the Kroger Company delivers several trays of day-old specialty breads, rolls, English muffins and a large box of donuts and pastries to this place where I live. The driver puts all this on the big table in the library and leaves. And the fighting spirits from eleven floors of humanity gouge their way to their fair share. There is one woman from the seventh floor who looks like a butchy prison guard and wears her muscular fatness behind a wide black leather belt. We call her The Prison Guard. And there is a guy who is the head of the Lakewoods Senior Citizens Club who is bipolar and doesn’t like to take his medicine on donut days..
21 November 2010
No Wheels for Cats.
08 November 2010
Three Pickup Truck Loads
On about the fourth of the month the landlord called to say that I was taking too long to become absent and he had pro-rated the days since the 2nd and I owed him $137. I sent him a letter about the time I paid full rent while he dallied about fixing a gutter on the back of the building, which caused rain to come into the bedroom and onto my head while I was sleeping. I also told him that I couldn't afford any more of his pro-rates so he would have to remove anything I left behind. And you can be damn sure I left a mess for him: junk, boxes, a useless clothes dryer...about three pickup trucks worth. And then I told him what he could do with his pro-rate. I haven't heard a word since.
He used to live in the apartment before I moved in and back at that time he was using drugs and beating his wife thoroughly a couple or three times a week. He doesn't pick up anymore and the lady stuck with him. Since I sent him the letter I haven't heard a word from him. I didn't expect any rainbow of feelings about this moving business and I was pretty startled by it all. I just move from one place to another and there it is. I was scared and anxious during the move, lonely and sad for the first couple weeks here. Now that I've been here a month I've been slowly feeling better and better and now pretty good. When I return to the apartment about suppertime it feels like home. Things are pretty normal now, I am almost arranged in here and, oops!, I'm late for the evening hen party with the 70-year-olds! Ta!
05 November 2010
Honey I'm Home !!
12 September 2010
Duck Issues
Older !
Green !!
Journalism Frenzy
16 July 2010
Loopy in the Heat.
23 June 2010
Pipe Cleaner
Here's a bunch of old pipes, not too damaged or crusted with dirt just the way I received them. The little pictures get big if you click on them.

Next step is the dirt. Carbon and ash are reamed out of the bowl. Old tars and goober and crud are cleaned out of the shank and stem (the long part that goes in your mouth). The outside surface is cleaned with mild ammonia solution or alcohol. The stem (mouthpiece) is disinfected with alcohol. Then the whole business is dried overnight.

When it's all said and done you have a set of bright, clean, refurbished pipes ready to smoke your favorite tobacco in. Like the next photo.

Now I'm tired. I'm going to go smoke some Country Doctor in my pipe. Ta!
I’m old enough not to take computers and cell phones and androids and the other electronic spaghetti for granted. I always thought androids were some kind of alien. Apparently they captured them and they’re all in this little box you can hold in your hand and do things with. If you pay big money. Before the age of computers I got incipient arthritis because we had to do complicated math problems on abacuses (abaci?). At St. Mary’s school. In fact my one little finger is so curved from doing multiplication of fractions on an abacus that I can’t play the pinky-on-the-coffeecup thing anymore. But after the new age dawned I bought a computer and dived right into it. I left the cell phones and androids alone since I think they’re noisy and invasive. I think it’s some kind of magic, still, that I can dial up Copenhagen and have a good look at the Mermaid in the harbor, or watch live traffic crashes in the freeway tunnels in Moscow at night, which gets old pretty quickly. I’ve watched the Queen’s Christmas message once or twice and I Instant Message my daughter in South Carolina a couple times a week. I’m still totally amazed at all this clear, static-free worldwide communication. My kids grew up with computers. In school. I remember long distance calls that faded in and out and heavy bakelite phones that you could kill a large dog with, and Movietone newsreels...

14 June 2010

- The Daily Yakomat
- Booze-fueled mayhem in Twin Towers neighborhood
- Father, son, knife and bat vs. a neighbor and his belt
- 1 shot, 1 hit with bat in East Side robbery
- Downtown gunman holds up four
- Eye-in-the-sky foils thief
- Relative of twins charged with robbery threatens victim, police say
- Knife and a note no match for bullet-proof glass
- Man accused of trashing optometrist's office
- Teen wanted for allegedly shooting at house
- $2K mistakenly put in Taco Bell customer's bag
Another 166,100 people had a peaceful
And relaxing Saturday evening
In the Big City. Without headlines.
02 June 2010
Memorials and the Day
I had a morning meditation today, you know, Jesus and Buddha and one-page-a-day and that kind of thing. But at sunrise I decided, this time, to read Who in the Hell is Tom Jones? Out of a book of poems by Charles Bukowski. It made me laugh out loud and I think that is a fine beginning to any day. I can’t reprint it here because
- it has a lot of really bad words in it.
If you have been around the block of life a couple times you will instantly understand it, and if you haven’t you will run to your church waving your bible in the air and say prayers for me. Either one is fine. And you can look it up yourself in LOVE IS A DOG FROM HELL. If you are not afraid.
Years ago when I worked for the Police Department I used to walk up a trail through the woods behind the Police Academy and come out in a little clearing where there was a cemetery that all the unidentified people were buried in. Potter’s Field. It was a nice place to eat lunch because few people even knew it was there. And I would say Hi to all the spirits of the old guys who fell dead out of boxcars on trains from Toledo. Known only to God, and like that.

My friend and I went there a couple days ago for Memorial Day because we thought it was the right thing to do. All those people had a life or half of one or a really bad one, but it’s my job to give tribute to the fact that they lived here and not to judge. It’s officially called Westmont Cemetery and is surrounded by Monday Prison, the Police Academy and the Sewage Treatment Plant. Which says something about it’s importance. And the Police too probably. But I think the cemetery was there first. I still think it’s a nice place to be buried. And there are woodpeckers and red-winged blackbirds.
I thought about Dad a lot on Memorial Day and I’m glad he made it home from the wars so I could get to know him. He was a fine guy and a fine Dad!
Speaking of Memorial Day, I got a flyer for my high school class’ 48th reunion and a full third if not half of my classmates are dead. One got murdered in 1967 and I don’t know about the rest. Holy Toledo and RIP! Now I am going to scrub my kitchen with steel wool and sulfuric acid to make sure there are no typhoid germs laying around. And I am not going to the party.
I am getting ready to pay the remainder of my money to the IRS, Compunet Labs and a dermatologist. The usual bills are already paid and I will still have some dollahs that them folks don’t know about that I am gong to spend on play. Ta!
30 April 2010
Murder most fowl or Why I want to live with little old ladies.

I was shopping today for some moisturizing lotion and found a quart bottle of something called Goat's Milk that was made in Upper Volta. It comes in a plastic milk bottle and smells like old goats, and will do a teriffic job if I can get all the dogs in the neighborhood to quit following me.
More to come.....
14 April 2010

Life doesn't stop just because we don't drink anymore. What stops is having to drink. Period. We still need the support of others for the rest of the adventure. On the floor today it was mostly discussed how to get through the feelings and the fear that accompany such terrible diagnoses. People have left the actual doctoring to the doctors, but they share the knowledge above price about how to make it through the smelly swamp one day at a time with a reasonable amount of peace of mind.
I told 'my' two women that they needed to talk to those other people right now more than they needed to talk to me. They are. I don't do doctor, and I haven't been there.
The rooms are full of Expert Witnesses on all kinds of subjects depending on where the adventure of life has led them. You name it, it comes up in the conversation.
This is why, when my Mom says "You've been sober for a zillion years, do you still have to go to those meetings?", I say, "Yes, frequently, because I want to keep rubbing shoulders with the people I want to be like." Ta!
15 March 2010
Something is dragging in Mudville

I'm getting a real kick out of watching the principal honchos of the Catholic Church doing end runs trying to avoid answering specific questions about child abuse, instead of being the power calling the shots. It's a laugh a minute. Their latest song is "Our enemies are attacking us again. This is all a smoke screen for a hate campaign against celibacy and the sanctity of the family." The Catholic religious authority of Ireland being totally gutted in the wake of the Ryan Report of last year must have been an accident because of the full moon. I haven't been Catholic for a long time and don't have any resentments anymore. But considering all the theological shit the hierarchy shoveled when I was a kid, it's hilarious watching what goes around come around!
To celebrate the spring this year I highly recommend Love is a Dog from Hell by Charles Bukowski. What life is like for real people? This author knows it all in gritty detail. You can read it to little kids to teach them sex education and the essential four-letter words. This is short because I am reading a Pirate book and I want to get back to it. Maybe have to write more soon! Yo Ho!!
21 February 2010

I am being fat tonight from a McDonald’s crispy chicken Ranch wrap and three chocolate chip cookies. So I am working it off by typing this blog entry. It is kind of cold to be walking it off outside. It is cloudy blue winter outdoors, or at least it was before it got dark. Not a day to inspire anything except sleeping which I participated fully in, at least three times.
A few days ago a guy named Stack flew a fully fueled airplane into an Internal Revenue Service building in
Big Business and it’s greed
The Government
The Catholic Church
The state of California
And others…….
The media has quoted various personalities and talking heads who have described him as:
In serious distress and real despair
Never antagonistic towards his CPA
Hid his rage well
…and others
Amazingly enough, this whole thing happened last Thursday, I think, and it’s Sunday now and not a peep of the story has appeared today on any of the major Internet news sites. Except for two grieving families, one person still in a hospital, scores of almost-victims with nightmares and a lot of
People were so concerned with vilifying this guy, and with reason, that nobody paid any attention to the message he left except to describe it as a confused rant in which he blames everybody else for his problems. Much of his message was quite clear. I’m sure the morality of the wealth of the Catholic Church can be debated and I don’t want my dog in that fight. Maybe I should just quote “WWJD?” Big Business continues to get rich from the gullible and the helpless; the Government isn’t working the way it should; not much in the
I don’t believe problems should be solved by killing people except maybe in self defense. Property damage? In the case of the IRS that doesn’t seem to be too politically incorrect. And would anybody have heard Stack’s message loudly and clearly if he hadn’t done an Armageddon on a government building? Probably not. You all out there can fight back and forth over this, but I believe there’s some handwriting on the wall here.
Back in the year zero in an impoverished semi desert that was part of the far flung
He was probably variously described as:
A rabble rouser
Possibly deluded
Got too much sun on his head, messed up his thinking
One of the Usual Suspects
They finally arrested him for something and sentenced him to capital punishment. He went through all the pain and trauma even though he had an ace up his sleeve nobody knew about. Once he was cut down the message was forgotten except by about thirteen people. If anybody else remembered him it was like the Various Descriptions listed above. But the message came to fruition over time and is very much with (and within) many of us today.
I’m not sure what I’m trying to prove here except that I’m a little pissed that Stack had a pretty definite set of complaints, many of them accurate, and nobody’s listening. Just another same-o day in the
03 February 2010
The daily news on the Internet is a laugh a minute. I start each day laughing once I get both eyes open. For instance: “Terrorism threats will decline with death or capture of Bin Laden and other top operatives.” I think that, for somebody, that’s the real world. But could it possibly be that those top honchos are very intelligent and sophisticated and that each of the most important ones has an understudy who can immediately take over in the absence of Number One? La! It must have been a Talking Head who said that.
People ask me now and then if I belong to that outfit for ex-drunks and it usually goes something like this: “You part of them Triple-A’s?” And I say “Yarp.” Being in the Triple-A’s gives me a familiarity with parts of life that most people don’t see. When I talk about it, a little, they shake their heads and start reciting that Psalm about the
Ex-Prostitutes (Sex Workers to put a point on it)
Jail Birdies
Bus drivers
Working Sex Workers
The Unemployed
The Great Unwashed (usually washed soon…)
Bag Ladies
…all of whom are attempting to stay clean and sober one day at a time. Anything but that is nobody’s business but their own. But it makes a hell of a conversation piece the few times it comes up.