Tonight I watched an episode of CSI. A man was killed by a parrot trying to escape from a cat (man fell and banged his head in the shower); a woman was killed by the parrot (surprised by bird, fell on her butcher knife); There were at least two logical suspects (not the parrot or the bird) and everybody went back to their original safe venues. Except the dead people. Totally new and catchy but it made me wonder if TV viewers are so jaded by commercial television that they need the occasional red herring, locked-room goodie to keep them watching.
It was the Full Moon last night and I took a picture of it just to make sure it didn’t get away.
And I can have a pet while I’m here. It’s a fairly simple process. I provide management with $500 and do everything they say. Get a small pet. (So much for my Pit Bulldog…) Make sure it doesn’t damage anything. Take it out to do it’s business on a regular basis. Oh, and carry it out and back to my apartment. Animals aren’t allowed to walk on the floors in here, except for service dogs. They must be carried unless they have wheels. Everybody can have wheels in here. Wheeled walkers, chairs, shopping carts, roller skates, I guess. Do they make cats with wheels? Perhaps I could get a Pit and call it my Anxiety Dog?
I came in from shopping yesterday and there were three Police cruisers parked out front. Turned out there was a death on 3, a death on 7 and a couple old duffers going at it on 10. One of them is bipolar and doesn’t like to take his medicine. They provide everything here, even the excitement.
Now I am going to have some more coffee and think about all this. Ta!
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