I am being fat tonight from a McDonald’s crispy chicken Ranch wrap and three chocolate chip cookies. So I am working it off by typing this blog entry. It is kind of cold to be walking it off outside. It is cloudy blue winter outdoors, or at least it was before it got dark. Not a day to inspire anything except sleeping which I participated fully in, at least three times.
A few days ago a guy named Stack flew a fully fueled airplane into an Internal Revenue Service building in
Big Business and it’s greed
The Government
The Catholic Church
The state of California
And others…….
The media has quoted various personalities and talking heads who have described him as:
In serious distress and real despair
Never antagonistic towards his CPA
Hid his rage well
…and others
Amazingly enough, this whole thing happened last Thursday, I think, and it’s Sunday now and not a peep of the story has appeared today on any of the major Internet news sites. Except for two grieving families, one person still in a hospital, scores of almost-victims with nightmares and a lot of
People were so concerned with vilifying this guy, and with reason, that nobody paid any attention to the message he left except to describe it as a confused rant in which he blames everybody else for his problems. Much of his message was quite clear. I’m sure the morality of the wealth of the Catholic Church can be debated and I don’t want my dog in that fight. Maybe I should just quote “WWJD?” Big Business continues to get rich from the gullible and the helpless; the Government isn’t working the way it should; not much in the
I don’t believe problems should be solved by killing people except maybe in self defense. Property damage? In the case of the IRS that doesn’t seem to be too politically incorrect. And would anybody have heard Stack’s message loudly and clearly if he hadn’t done an Armageddon on a government building? Probably not. You all out there can fight back and forth over this, but I believe there’s some handwriting on the wall here.
Back in the year zero in an impoverished semi desert that was part of the far flung
He was probably variously described as:
A rabble rouser
Possibly deluded
Got too much sun on his head, messed up his thinking
One of the Usual Suspects
They finally arrested him for something and sentenced him to capital punishment. He went through all the pain and trauma even though he had an ace up his sleeve nobody knew about. Once he was cut down the message was forgotten except by about thirteen people. If anybody else remembered him it was like the Various Descriptions listed above. But the message came to fruition over time and is very much with (and within) many of us today.
I’m not sure what I’m trying to prove here except that I’m a little pissed that Stack had a pretty definite set of complaints, many of them accurate, and nobody’s listening. Just another same-o day in the
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