The God of my understanding decreed by surprise that last night should be payday and not Monday morning. Last night was Friday. What a stunning surprise! Today at
-Six bars of perfumed soap (a buck) made in
- A four ounce bottle of Zmygz aftershave which is made in
- two peach scented candles from Betty Crocker
- a jar of Five Spice powder for Chinese cooking this winter
- various trash bags (droll but invaluable)
- a bottle of Memphis Master Barbeque sauce which I know I can fix with spices if it turns out to be nasty.
- two boxed Thai Kitchen dinners of noodles vegetables and peanut sauce which I highly recommend to anybody, I have eaten them before. You can also get them at Kroger’s for more money.
- a winning two dollar lottery ticket.
- Sharp (brand) wristwatch from the scratch and dent department, but it looks and works fine, guys!
I imbibed later at my favorite four-star Chickenaria with a high tea of 7 boneless wings (chicken breast chunks but don’t tell anybody), slaw and sweet tea. Now I am sitting here smelling like a steel foundry and making plans to go out tomorrow to buy REAL groceries and pay REAL bills.
Hell! I know I’m poor guys! But I gave up long ago lusting for everything that everybody else owned and just being grateful for what I’ve got. It was one hell of a shopping spree for about twenty dollars and I’ll do it again next month. Ta!
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