Is that one word or two? Well, I got some today. I have a couple flies and this is the best stuff anybody ever invented for that. It's not green, it's only a dollar for four rolls and the FDA and Homeland Security haven't gotten around to evaluating it yet. It's hard to find because everybody has too much Green insectiside with no phosphoric acid in the propellant. At $4 a shot. Old Cranky Fart and 1943 ride again! Flies don't!
Cindy got funeraled and buried a couple days ago and it was nice. Lots of flowers, solo piano with old Protestant hymns (long may they wave!) subdued emotions. The preacher was a young kid who probably will become a really good preacher with some practice. We had a show and tell on a couple psalms and his entreaty to ask ourselves where we would be spending eternity. And something about a ship sinking.
My first impression was that I was shocked at how old the brothers and sisters seemed to me. We haven't been in one place together for 15 years. One seemed the same, he is always himself. Another - Joe Slick - is still slick but with gray hair. Aside from an Elegant Lady all the rest of us including the aforementioned are beginning to look aged like old...........life preservers? Every one of us has weathered unexpected death or chemical dependency or living with chemical dependency or poverty and the wrong kind of stuff to eat. Having jobs, getting laid off, having rotten kids, having good kids, paying the bills on time or not. Disastrous love affairs. Disastrous affairs.
I love you all kids, these are observations which is why you are unnamed. If you think my perception is skewed, you're right. Say a prayer that my skew gets un-.
I wore to the funeral: A pair of khaki ladies cotton slacks but you couldn't see the elastic waistband; a khaki t-shirt; a dark blue vest that I sewed up out of an old combat jacket with pockets from blue jeans material made from a ladies skirt. Thank God for sewing machines. I was so proud of myself that I didn't wear a suit. But half the rest of the bereaved apparently also hit the thrift stores before the funeral and looked at least twice as good as me in no suits. God bless us everyone!
My brother Steve commented that we are all survivors. I think that expressed what we were all about, and Jesus loved the outfits and the people. Kind of reminded him of the reprobates He used to hang around with.
So we are all home in scattered locations in the State and brotherhood and concern has been served. We are all so much happier sitting on somebody's front porch freshly shaved and cologned, and dressed like trailer trash with a guitar in the front and the NASCAR races in the back! Safe journey Cindy! Bless us one and all! Ta!
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