I took my depression to the doctor a couple weeks ago and got some new medication and I seem to see several things happening:

I no longer drop into r.e.m. sleep anywhere on demand; I do go to bed a certain time each night and wake up in the morning at about the same time each day without having the terrible compulsion to go right back to sleep until noon or 1pm; I am discovering energy to clean the house on a regular basis and even keep the clutter down; when I tell my friends I’m going to visit I show up instead of being sick or sleepy; I smoke less and enjoy it more; I manage to carry laundry up and down two flights of stairs a couple times a week instead of dreaming about doing it all week. I am not any richer and all the new girlfriends are totally loopy and simply not working out. But I have mucho more peacely in the mind-o and this is the biggest reward.
It looks like the USA is starting the process of getting back into some kind of relationship with Cuba. I do so applaud those efforts. I can remember when we shut things down just before the Missile Crisis (Google it, kids!). The Cubicks are no longer planning to blow us up and presumably neither are the Russians. For years America recognized only the countries that were willing to become ‘democratic’ and now we’re realizing that possibly we can all get together and do sugar and cigars and gross national product. Hell, we’ve been doing that with China for ages – our whole middle class economy is based on the Chinese manufactures at Wal-Mart. We are doing it with the Russians and Ukrainians as we speak.

Fidel Castro is, emphatically, one of my heroes. He turned a mafia businessland into a functioning economy, developed some of the highest standards in literacy and medical care in the hemisphere, and stuck to it even without the approval of the United States and other ‘democratic’ countries. Of course political prisoners there had a hard time. Have we forgotten Waterboarding?
And Venezuela’s probably up and coming too. Chavez didn’t like George Bush and George Bush hated everybody so that was a dance made in hell. Chavez is young, dynamic, has the support of at least 50% of his population though that changes day by day up and down, and doesn’t exhibit too much megalomania. Hope springs eternal!
Now I am going to go rub oil into an Australian goat leather tobacco pouch. For the vicarious thrill. Ta!
well said!