….on a Dog like this. It is exactly 32 degrees right now and the rain is itching to freeze and come down anyway. I have had the blues this afternoon since it was cloudy all day and threatening to rain ice. It didn’t help that my reading matter for the past two days has been a really not-hilarious book on the bombing of
I fixed all that. I put some sugar in my system with a bowl of Rice Krispies with bananas and real sugar and then went out to the library and got some volumes of random detective violence to replace the bomb violence. I stopped at The Donut Man and got six donuts. They are the worst possible food for me, sugar, fat and carbs. All in one delightful little package. This is why they taste so good.
I am grateful to have a warm place to come home to, donuts, good books, a package of Dark Horse tobacco for my pipe. No it was not cured in the excreta of dark horses.
I am grateful there are no earthquakes today here, no pirates taking over my ship, and that I have projects to keep me busy now that I am on a sugar high from three of the donuts. Restored tobacco pipes and learning to make caps on the sewing machine. Well, the first one I made looked like the kind of prayer cap some black guy with an Arab name would wear so I am altering it. If you get lucky, I will put a couple pictures in this post later on so you can see what I am doing with myself.
Most days I do fine and on sunny days I really rock and roll. Other days winter gets pretty fucking long. Ta!